Importing latlng to custom field not working

ImportWP Pro - WordPress XML & CSV Importer ImportWP Pro - WordPress XML & CSV Importer October 31, 2021
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James Collings Support Agent
2 years ago

Hi Luke,

I have tried to replicate but all records appeared to import apart from row 149 where the LAT/LNG returned #VALUE!

Are you able to give me an example of the first row that it doesnt work, can you also goto Tools > ImportWP > Settings/Tools > Import / Export and export your importer and attach.


Luke Van Lathum
2 years ago

here the csv

Luke Van Lathum
2 years ago

actually, this seems to have worked for a few posts, but others its not working... stops working after sometime... its weird

Luke Van Lathum
2 years ago

Hi, my excel spreadsheet contains a latlng column, data looks like this:



I am mapping to a custom field latlng

However it only works for the first entry, all the others dont work.

I thought the "," comma might be causing the issue, so i did another upload to update the latlng field however i mapped the latlng field using 2 cells from the csv. lat{1} lng{2} like so: {1},{2} . The preview looked good, however it still doesnt work.