tring to run or create importers

ImportWP Pro - WordPress XML & CSV Importer ImportWP Pro - WordPress XML & CSV Importer December 29, 2021
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James Collings Support Agent
2 years ago


Based on your original screenshot and the error log it looks like no importer template has been set, as your importer says "Importing From CSV" , normally this would show "Importing TEMPLATE from CSV" as shown in the attached screenshot.

Are you able to share access details to your WordPress Admin area, so i can have a look at what may be causing this.


Adwords GA
2 years ago

Sure, here is the error log when i replicated the problem.

James Collings Support Agent
2 years ago


Based on your screenshot, it suggests that your server may be outputting errors in the returned response from the server which is why it is stuck loading, which can be caused by numerous things such as the this plugin, your theme, plugins or any custom code.

Does your server have an error log, that you can clear, replicate the issue and then attach the error logs?

If not can you enable the wordpress debug log, and replicate your issue, and attach the log.

Adwords GA
2 years ago

Any updates? I am stuck and cant use the plugin...

Adwords GA
2 years ago

the importers gets stuck, same if i try to create a new or use a existing one