Import xml fields

ImportWP Pro - WordPress XML & CSV Importer ImportWP Pro - WordPress XML & CSV Importer January 04, 2022
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Bas Laarberg
2 years ago

Thanks, that was what i needed.

With a VPN the link works but without VPN not.

James Collings Support Agent
2 years ago


The previous link should still work, i have just accessed it to confirm:

If not the code that you need to add to your website to increase this value is:

function iwp_33702_increase_download_timeout($args){
$args['timeout'] = 300;
return $args;

add_filter('http_request_args', 'iwp_33702_increase_download_timeout');
Bas Laarberg
2 years ago

Hello James,

I want change the default from 30 to 300 but the link of the example isn´t working. Please can you send me another link?Thanks!

James Collings Support Agent
2 years ago

Hi Bas,

ImportWP uses wp_remote_get to download files, which you can override the timeout (default for importwp is 30) using the following example which changes it to 300

Bas Laarberg
2 years ago

I found the issue and changed the xml format. Now I can import the fields into the template normal.

But I got a error when trying to import a xml feed: 

cURL error 28: Operation timed out after 30000 milliseconds with 654573 bytes received

I increased the max_execution_time in php but it doesn´t resolve the problem.

Bas Laarberg
2 years ago

I´m trying to import a xml feed with realty into jetengine. I created a custompost and I can import the Titel, description without problems.The problem are the  custom fields. For example, I want to import the country, region and other customf fields but as soon I select in the field country in the feed it´s will import all other fields too like continent, region, city, etc. 

I think I´m doing sometthing wrong and need some help to get started.