How to update only Featured Image?

ImportWP Pro - WordPress XML & CSV Importer ImportWP Pro - WordPress XML & CSV Importer April 01, 2022
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Rafael Tasca
2 years ago

Oh nice. Thank you very much, it worked!

Best regards

James Collings Support Agent
2 years ago

To import and only update the featured image, on the permissions step you need to set update to  "only the following fields", and set the fields to:


0 would only import the 1st attachment row, 1 the second and so on.

If you want to import all attachments you would set it to:


screenshot attached of the permissions section

James Collings Support Agent
2 years ago
Thanks for creating a ticket! We'll get back to you as soon as we are back from vacation.
Rafael Tasca
2 years ago


Is there a way to import and update only the featured image?

I see that in Step "4.Permissions" we can set to "Update - Allow updating of existing records." and limit the import to "Only The Following Fields". But I need to place the field name and I couldn't figure out what is the field name of the Image of the Post.

Thank you.